Review of Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household offers natural health treatments
The 304-page book Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household offers natural health treatments.
Among other natural treatment options, readers will find medical supplies they need in their home, natural pharmaceutical alternatives, and organic painkillers that grow in their garden in the book.
Is Home Doctor up to par with the hype? What will you learn about practical medicine in Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Family? Please continue reading to learn everything there is to know about Home Doctor and how it operates.
What exactly is a Home Doctor?
Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household is available only online at as an eBook and a print book.
Many health experts and clinicians contributed to the book, including Dr. Maybell Nieves, Dr. Rodrigo Alterio, and Claude Davis. “A practical handbook for when there is no doctor, pharmacy, or hospital accessible,” the three intended to produce.
Alternative treatment options, natural health remedies, and beneficial herbs and plants found in nature are all explored in Home Doctor’s 304 pages. For example, putting garlic in your ear before night can help with ear problems, and learning to identify the signals of a heart attack can save your life.
Home Doctor isn’t meant to take the place of medical care. It’s made for those who don’t have access to medical care, such as those who live in conflict zones, isolated places, or areas with minimal medical infrastructure.
Features and Advantages of a Home Doctor
When you don’t have access to contemporary medicine, Home Doctor is presented as a last resort. The following are some of the book’s characteristics and advantages:
- Medical professionals wrote and certified the document.
- It was created to assist people in times of need.
You may use these procedures at home.
Throughout the 304 pages, you’ll find practical, natural advice that you may use right now to tackle a variety of health issues. Home Doctor can assist you if you don’t have access to medical care or live in a rural place with inadequate infrastructure.
What Can You Expect to Learn in Home Doctor?
Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household is full with useful knowledge that you may use right now or in the future.
10 Medical Supplies You Should Have at Home: In an emergency, medical supplies run out rapidly. Rather than waiting until it’s too late, get medical supplies now to guarantee you have them when you need them. China and India supply the majority of medical supplies and medications on shop shelves. When supply networks are interrupted, the economy suffers.
It might be difficult to locate medical supplies as a result. In In-Home Doctor, readers will learn about 10 medical items that they should keep on hand. The staff specifically advises Naproxen, an over-the-counter pain reliever that is more effective than ibuprofen.
The Worst Things You Can Do During a Blackout: Blackouts have the potential to throw the entire globe into disarray. Blackouts can be terrible whether you reside in Venezuela or Texas. Readers of In-Home Doctor will learn about the most serious medical blunders that may be made during a blackout, as well as what to deal with life-saving drugs like insulin or Humira during a blackout.
What to Do If You Have a Heart Attack: How to Recognize a Heart Attack and What to Do Next: Early detection of a heart attack might save your life. You may learn the early warning symptoms of a heart attack, such as pressure in your chest; discomfort or pain in your jaw, back, neck, arms, or stomach; and more with In-Home Doctor. cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness are all symptoms of shortness of breath.
You should contact an ambulance if you have even two of these symptoms. The writers of Home Doctor propose eating aspirin and putting a vial of nitroglycerin under your tongue before calling an ambulance. You must maintain these goods in your home in order for them to be accessible and valued.
What Happens If You Take Expired Medicine: Taking expired medicine might be deadly. Other outdated medications are completely safe. What happens when you take expired drugs, as explained by Home Doctor. Dr. Mabel and other doctors in Venezuela have direct experience with the effects of expired medication, and they are frequently obliged to utilize the expired medication for years after it has expired. You can find out which drugs are safe to use and which are not by using In-Home Doctor.
With the help of In-Home Doctor, you may learn about four antibiotics that you can lawfully store without a prescription. Antibiotics that people stockpile include: Antibiotics are lifesavers, preventing an ordinary cold from progressing to fatal pneumonia. They save a small wound from turning into a potentially fatal infection.
These natural antibiotics include diverse chemicals that attack bacteria in different ways. You’re unlikely to come across microorganisms that can tolerate all four. You may offer yourself the best chance of survival by having these microorganisms at home.
Growing in Your Backyard: A Natural Painkiller A natural painkilling herb may be found in your garden. After their local pharmacies ran out of medications, many people in Venezuela turned to this plant. Fortunately, the plant can be found growing wild across North America and Venezuela, making it simple to stock up on the natural pain reliever before it’s too late.
How to Stockpile Insulin and Other Prescription Medications: In an emergency, having medicine on hand might be the difference between life and death. Stockpiling drugs in a secure manner, on the other hand, cannot be straightforward. You may learn an amazing approach to stockpile prescription drugs like insulin in In-Home Doctor. This technique may be used right away for insulin and other drugs that are notoriously difficult to stockpile.
How to Recognize and Stop a Stroke Quickly: Time is vital when dealing with a stroke. Early detection of a stroke can help you avoid long-term consequences. With the help of In-Home Doctor, you can learn the quickest method to spot a stroke — and the one thing you must do right away to increase your chances.
What Happens If You Take the Wrong Probiotics: Probiotics are more popular than they’ve ever been. Taking the incorrect probiotics, on the other hand, might be harmful to your health. They can, for example, cause allergies and disrupt your gut flora. Doctor at Home, You may learn how to distinguish between excellent and harmful probiotics, as well as how to choose the right ones for you.
The Home Doctor provides a section on how to treat the flu and other respiratory ailments at home. This treatment plan is described by the authors as “a simple protocol” that you can employ at home if you don’t want to or can’t travel to a hospital. The strategy focuses on high fevers, coughing, and other flu symptoms.
How to Manage Skin Injuries and Disorders: Skin and skin appendages are covered in Chapter 3 of Home Doctor, as well as how to manage skin conditions without seeking professional medical help. Corns, warts, athlete’s foot, burns, scalds, dermatitis, fungal infections, insect bites, stings, abscesses, ulcers, and open wounds are all covered in this curriculum. Egg whites are one therapy option for second-degree burns. A section on how to manage an open wound at home is also included.
Symptoms that Go Unnoticed but Could Indicate Internal Inflammation: Internal inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of illness. You’ll learn about “little-known body signals” that suggests if you have concealed inflammation in your body right now with In-Home Doctor.
Millions of people suffer from back and neck pain, which can be relieved with a one-minute stretch. Most back and neck pain can be relieved with a one-minute stretch, according to Home Doctor. You may release muscles, regain mobility, and get back to living a happy and healthy life by doing this stretch at home.
How to Examine Your Breasts at Home:
The Home Doctor explains how to do a full breast exam at home. You’ll receive a comprehensive collection of diagrams and instructions to put your mind at ease. While working at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy, Dr. Maybell devised this breast inspection technique.
Leeches Have Medicinal Uses: For centuries, people have used leeches to treat illnesses. “Leeches are a highly effective and easy-to-use cure for preventing a wound from festering,” according to the writers of Home Doctor. Leeches might help you heal faster if you use them right. They can also help to reduce blood pressure by reducing blood flow and so reducing artery stress.
Other Home Remedies and the Eggshell Remedy People Toss Out: Every day, you throw away items that could be used as treatments. Home Doctor is a collection of 25 home medicines built from common household items. Eggshells can be turned into calcium pills, for example, which can be valuable in an emergency.
When you can’t get to the dentist, Dental Care Without the Dentist: Home Doctor has a section on treating toothaches and mouth infections. A tooth infection can swiftly escalate from a nuisance to a life-threatening situation. With the help of In-Home Doctor, you can learn how to properly treat your tooth infection.
How to Tell whether a Heart Arrhythmia Is Dangerous: Heart rate and rhythm changes could indicate a major condition. They could also be a precursor to a heart attack or stroke. You can find warning indicators that distinguish benign arrhythmia from serious arrhythmia with In-Home Doctor.
How to Get Rid of Ingrown Nails: Getting rid of an ingrown nail might be difficult. With the help of In-Home Doctor, you can figure out how to get rid of an ingrown nail and avoid a major illness.
In Venezuela, the following are the top ten most sought-after bartering items: Money may become less useful during a pandemic. It’s possible that you’ll have to barter for stuff. Some things are worth more than others. In-Home Doctor has a list of ten non-medical products that you should stockpile right now. After the economy collapsed, these commodities became extremely valuable, according to the Home Doctor team, “and they could be swapped for nearly anything you needed — including medicine.”
Our Grandparents Taught Us Some Interesting Home Remedies: Home remedies were utilized by our grandparents to heal common diseases. You can find 40 home cures that doctors still use or recommend in In-Home Doctor. You may learn how to treat headaches with a potato, how to treat bug bites with toothpaste, how to reduce a fever with vinegar, how to detox while sleeping by wearing half an onion in your socks, and how to produce cough syrup from black radish, among other things. as well as other natural therapies
A Natural Antibiotic Plant in Your Neighborhood: If you know where to look, you can find a natural form of doxycycline in your own backyard. Usnea is a plant that Home Doctor educates you about. The plant, sometimes known as an old man’s beard, is native to North America. You may transform it into an antibiotic tincture with a little work to boost its efficacy and extend its shelf life.
Why Should You Have Listerine in Your Medicine Cabinet? Listerine is more than simply a mouthwash. It can also be quite useful in natural cures. Listerine was created in 1879 with the intention of being used as a surgical antiseptic. Listerine is used in Venezuelan hospitals to treat bacterial and fungal infections, wounds, gangrene, and diabetic foot problems, among other things.
How to Make an Inflammation-Relieving Cabbage Wrap: Inflammation may be reduced by wrapping cabbage around your body. Cabbage leaves are “a superb anti-inflammatory,” according to the writers of Home Doctor. They include chemicals that can help a wound heal faster by drawing out poison or pus. This is a natural medicine that is taught in medical colleges, not a folk remedy.
Other helpful hints can be found in Home Doctor & Other advice contained in Home Doctor is as follows:
Why should you always have a stick of gum on hand if your ears start to hurt?
If you have stomach pain, how do you figure out what’s wrong?
How to tell whether your migraines are masking a more serious issue
How to deal with social unrest-related injuries
How do doctors maintain a high level of immunity?
How to use salt and oil to prevent tooth decay and gum disease
Home Doctor: How to Use It
The 304-page book Home Doctor contains remedies, natural therapies, and other answers. Some of these cures can be found right in your own garden. Others are available at supermarkets. Some of the substances in these cures may already be in your home.
You’ll find the following information inside Home Doctor:
Suggestions for use
Diagrams that are precise
Instructions are provided in a step-by-step format.
You can learn how to become a home doctor by using this information. Home doctors are self-sufficient individuals who can look after themselves and their families when necessary.
Pricing for a Home Doctor
The cost of Home Doctor is $37. You can pick between a print and a digital copy. If you purchase a print copy, you will be charged a modest delivery fee.
Here’s how the price works:
$37.00 Plus $8.99 for the print version $37.00 for the digital version of the book.
You will receive both a print and a digital copy of Home Doctor if you purchase the print version.
Home Doctor comes with a slew of extras.
All Home Doctor purchases come with two complimentary eBooks as part of a 2021 promotion, including:
(Bonus eBook #1) Wild Edibles You Can Forage for or Find Around Your House : This eBook will teach you how to recognize plants found throughout North America. When individuals in Venezuela couldn’t afford to buy food from the market, they ate these life-saving herbs. You may learn how to recognize wild edibles and shop at the grocery right in your own garden.
Bonus eBook #2: Native American Natural Healing Secrets: Native Americans have spent more time in North America than anyone else. Discover medicinal practices used by indigenous populations across the continent for ages in this eBook. The plants they used are still readily available. You can use millennia of wisdom for your treatment plan if you learn how to recognize them and appropriately put them into cures.
Refund Policy for Home Doctors
All Home Doctor products come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. You have 60 days to get a full refund with no questions asked.
If you are dissatisfied with the information in Home Doctor or the natural treatment recommendations in the book, you have the right to a full refund within 60 days of purchase.
Home Doctor’s Background
Dr. Maybell Nieves, Dr. Rodrigo Alterio, and Claude Davis collaborated on the book Home Doctor.
Dr. Maybell Nieves is the chief of the Breast Pathology Unit and a general surgeon at Venezuela’s Caracas University Hospital. Dr. Nieves resorted to nature for help as Venezuela’s economy crumbled and hospitals and pharmacies were swamped. Dr. Nieves’ approaches are now being studied all around the world, especially in conflict zones with limited medical resources.
Dr. Rodrigo Alterio is a surgical oncologist who formerly worked as a primary care physician in Amazonian indigenous communities. These towns are hundreds of miles from civilization, with no roads and just small planes as transportation. Despite the lack of pharmacies and hospitals, Dr. Alterio had to give complex medical care. Dr. Alterio has written Home Doctor as a result of his experience.
Meanwhile, Claude Davis is a survival and natural treatments expert. He’s a lifetime survivalist who specializes in passing down his forebears’ forgotten medicines. People on the frontiers of America depended on natural medicine to treat their concerns 150 years ago. Claude now wants to make those treatments available to the rest of the world. and are edited by Claude.
The Home Doctor team (or the publishing business, Global Brother, LLC) can be reached at the following addresses:
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Mailing Address: 2549 Waukegan Rd PMB 45933, Bannockburn, IL 60015
Natural remedies were utilized by our forefathers to treat illnesses for thousands of years. In the book In-Home Doctor: Effective Medicine for Every Household, you’ll learn how to employ practical remedies right away.
When you don’t have access to normal medical infrastructure, the information in Home Doctor can help. Some of the data was derived from a doctor’s personal experience in Venezuela, where he witnessed directly the destruction of medical infrastructure.
Visit the official website at to learn more about Home Doctor: Practical Medicine for Every Household or to purchase the book online now.
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Please keep in mind that any advice or instructions provided here are not intended to replace competent medical advice from a professional healthcare provider. If you use pharmaceuticals or have concerns after reading the above review, contact a licensed physician before making any purchasing decisions. Because the representations made about these items have not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration, individual outcomes may vary. FDA-approved study has not validated the efficacy of these products. These items aren’t meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness.